THE council have said they will clear up a large amount of rubbish left in Rickerby Park ‘when it is safe to do so’.

A large volume of rubbish and litter has been left in Rickerby Park, pictures show, following localised flooding.

Residents have said there is a 'stench' near the rubbish and described the mess in the park as 'shameful'.

Heavy rainfall over the past week led to the River Eden bursting its bank into the park.

A group of travellers who were on site have relocated to the University of Cumbria’s Brampton Road.

News and Star: Litter left in the parkLitter left in the park (Image: Supplied)

Cumberland Council said it would be sending its street cleaning team down to the site when the river levels have subsided.

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A University of Cumbria spokesperson said: “The university is aware of some travelling families who have set up camp on the car park at our Brampton Road campus.

“We understand the families have relocated from Rickerby Park following a recent rise of river levels and, as such, believe they will be on campus for a very limited time.

“The university campus at Brampton Road remains operational and open as usual”.