Representatives from two prominent Carlisle charities are set to walk 21 miles later this year to remember an 'irreplaceable' woman. 

Rachael Rodway passed away in 2022 and was well-known in the area for her work with local charities. 

She was the founder of Carlisle Foodbank and also worked closely with Carlisle One World Centre. 

Now, those two charities are coming together in May to walk 21 miles in Rachael's memory, whilst also raising vital funds. 

On May 11 at 8am, members of the two charities, alongside willing volunteers, will set off from Pooley Bridge car park to undertake the Ullswater Way charity walk. 

Both charities are encouraging as many people as possible to attend and fundraise ahead of the event. 

Carlisle Foodbank said: "Our challenge is to walk 21 miles around the second largest lake in the Lake District, Ullswater. This will be the longest some of us have walked in one day, but we wanted to do this to raise money for two worthy causes. Carlisle Foodbank is a charity that provides emergency food to people who need it the most. Carlisle One World Centre (COWC) is a local charity campaigning for justice and supporting the economically and socially in need."

To register your place contact Carlisle Foodbank manager Steph Humes -, and for more information about the walk contact Niall McNulty -