A Carlisle-based art curator has been given a prestigious award for her contributions.

Melanie Garder was given the British Empire Medal (BEM) after working at Tullie House for 35 years as the museum’s, fine and decorative arts curator.

This Medal of the Order of the British Empire, awarded as part of the New Year Honour List 2024, recognises a contribution of a 'hands-on' service to the community in a local geographic area.

A spokesperson from Tullie House said: “Though Melanie's time at Tullie spans four decades, her career highlight has come in the last few years.

“The project she is most proud of working on is The Costume Collection, two galleries dedicated to the stories of women in Carlisle, told through the clothes they wore.

“Opening in 2021, the galleries were the first phase of major redevelopment programme, Project Tullie.

“It was a huge team effort to complete the galleries but wouldn't have been possible without Melanie's thorough knowledge of the collections and expert curation.

“Other highlights include assisting with countless exhibition installations, particularly the Treasures of China exhibition in 2020 which brought together items from the Tullie collection with significant loans from Durham University Oriental Museum, as part of Tullie's ongoing engagement with Chinese culture.

“Melanie has also lent her curatorial knowledge to the museum's community efforts.

“Tullie's Art Group and Tullie Textiles were set up to aid adults that may be facing social isolation, both groups use the collections as inspiration with Melanie researching and retrieving an item for each session.”

Reflecting on her time at Tullie, Melanie said: " Believe it or not, I have had jobs before this one, but I was very young when I started my first museum role at Tullie House on a six-month contract.

“It has been such a fulfilling 35 years.

“I've enjoyed working with everybody at Tullie and engaging with all the visitors has been fantastic.

“I'm very much looking forward to seeing how Project Tullie will develop."


Andrew Mackay, director, added: "We are so proud of Melanie and hugely grateful for all she has done for the museum over the years.

“Tullie wouldn't be what it is today without her knowledge, passion and the wholehearted commitment she has to sharing this with the Cumbrian community.

“Melanie has that perfect combination of being an expert curator who possesses an encyclopaedic knowledge of the area – it’s an unbeatable combination."