CITY leaders will be asked to give their approval for a proposed changes to scrutiny panels at a meeting today.

Carlisle City Council’s People Panel intends to run a sub committee looking at the cost-of-living crisis.

The panel believes that in order to effectively assess the issue, it should be able to consider three housing related matters.

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Housing matters are currently an issue in the Place Panel’s remit so a change is proposed to allow the issues to be discussed by the People Panel’s cost-of-living group.

To allow the cost-of-living group to effectively discuss the impact of the issue on Carlisle people it is proposed that homelessness, housing and housing advice and support be added to their remit.

Chairman of both the People and Place Panels are in agreement.

However, changes to their remit involve amending the constitution so the full council will be consulted on the change tonight.

In the report set to be discussed by councillors tonight, the deputy chief executive said: "Housing is a cross cutting issue that can have relevance to many scrutiny workstreams. In view of the proposed Cost of Living Task and Finish Group, it is beneficial that People Scrutiny Panel can consider, comment and make recommendations on housing matters relating to homelessness, housing standards and improvements, and housing advice."

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