By Matt Spooner - CUOSC

In the lead up to the Charlton game, you may recall that CUOSC coordinated a group of volunteers to carry out some jobs that were part of the ‘quick wins’ and improvements that had been suggested by members and the wider fan base.

We’ve also seen a great amount of the suggestions boxed off – including a big screen being added to the fan zone, shelter being added to both fan zone container bars, temporary toilet provisions added to the Warwick Road End as well as seats in the Andrew Jenkins Stand and the Cumberland Community Stand being cleared of bird droppings.

Another project that was suggested frequently was finishing the Andrew Jenkins Stand development. Those that were at the recent fans’ forum had a chance to see plans that have been drawn up, for which quotes were also being received.

The most up-to-date version plans will be available digitally when the time is right – there have been some changes in ideas and plans.

CUOSC members can now utilise their ticket priority online, as long as they have provided consent for us to share their info with the club.

Season ticket holders can use their discount on the club shop website. All of these mark a great step forward, but we’re not finished yet.

Now that we’ve finished cramming as much food into our faces as possible over the festive period, we thought now was a good time to provide a quick update on a few of the bigger items that we’re still receiving some feedback on, and things that haven’t yet been tackled.

Renewal of the public address system and additional CCTV coverage were two topics that were high on fans’ submitted ideas. The public address system and speaker set up are of a certain age and have been added to and joined together over the years as needed. Because of the age of the current set up, a full replacement is needed.

Due to the amount of work needed for install, and preparation needed in all stands, it is best done outside of the football season.

The same applies to CCTV additions. Both suggestions were on the club radar. Painting of railings and barriers by the Warwick Road End group was well received earlier in the season, so much so that there was great demand for the same to happen in the Paddock and Waterworks end.

Lessons can be learned from last time round and as such we will be scheduling this for spring and summer when the weather starts to pick up.

This will be scheduled alongside a good clean of terraces with pressure washers.

There are other smaller projects that will form part of the volunteer days we will schedule, likely quarterly, moving forward.

If you are a painter and want to volunteer your time, please get in touch. Likewise, if you want to add your name to the growing list of volunteers to help out throughout the year, please email

CUOSC is closing in on 1,300 members. To join visit our website HERE.