Paul Simpson says Carlisle United must hold back from awarding new contracts until the takeover situation is clearer.

The Blues boss says the financial situation is currently being examined by the EFL with the Piatak family aiming to buy the club.

Simpson says that means any plans to discuss new deals with certain members of his squad are on pause.

Some fans have speculated whether Jordan Gibson’s recent bright performances might warrant an extended deal.

Asked if that sort of discussion has come onto the table, Simpson said: “It hasn’t yet, no doubt it will do soon.

“He’s had probably two of his best games of late. He’s doing really well. And he knows I’m pleased with him.

“We’ll wait and see. I haven’t done anything about it now.

“Being honest we’re all in a little bit of limbo at the moment because of the situation with the takeover, in that all of the finances have had to be submitted to the Football League, for the [owners and directors’ test].

“The Piatak family have to say they can justify the investment, to say they’re going to cover it for the next two years.

“So we can’t actually go with increased contracts [at the moment].

News and Star: Jordan Gibson's displays have led some fans to urge United to address his contract situationJordan Gibson's displays have led some fans to urge United to address his contract situation (Image: Ben Holmes)

“They know we’re looking to bring in a strength and conditioning coach, that has been factored into the equation.

“But we can’t do anything else until we know where we stand.”

United have long had a contract offer on the table to midfielder Owen Moxon and that situation remains unchanged.

Asked if any recent talks had taken place, Simpson said: “No, to be honest, because we’ve had the games on Saturday on Tuesday so I haven’t spoken to him [about it].

“I can’t do anything about it. I’m hoping he’s going to come and knock on my door and say, ‘Yes, I want to sign it’.

“We really can’t go any more than we have done. We’ve gone to the limit. I really want him with us. It’s basically in his court now.”

Tom Piatak, head of the family aiming to take over United, recently pledged to back Simpson with a “step change” budget in the January window.

While the Blues boss says he is not yet clear on the kind of amounts that may mean, he says the Americans’ investment will have a major say in the kind of business United will do.

“If we don’t get that [increased budget], chances are we won’t be able to strengthen the squad unless we get rid of players,” Simpson said.

“That’s the challenge we’ll face.”

Simpson added: “We have to get a plan in place for January. We don’t have enough players in the group to see us through.

“We’ve got, I think, 26-27 players and three of them are goalkeepers, and two are young players out on loan.

“You’re always going to get a few injuries…and I do think we need to strengthen our squad come January.

“The league table doesn’t tell any lies, I don’t like it and want to improve what I’m doing, I want the players to improve what they’re doing, and if it means bringing in reinforcements in January that’s what we’re going to have to do.”