Carlisle United fans gave us their verdicts on Twitter after the 2-0 home defeat to Exeter City.

Here's a selection of their views...

I thought we played very well in patches and certainly didn’t look out of place in this division. Very early days & I thought much to be encouraged by despite the defeat & very little between the sides. A better final ball & perhaps a fresh face up top should improve matters. (@BackoSkiddaw)

After Wigan on Tuesday today was a big disappointment. Simmo needs a rethink on his starting 11...some are not at it...others who are at it can't find another player who is at it. Missing a busy 6six-yard box player in the Dennis mould. Somebody who can read the game. Early days (@LindaNi121202)

4 games in and the same old story, we all know the problem and so does the club. Just got to hope that we can find someone who is going to put the ball in the back of the net. (@Halpinforpope)

Fair performance from United but lessons being learnt - principally to make the most of being on top or you’ll get punished at this level. Some players struggled to raise their game, others eg Maguire showing what’s needed. Simmo knows what he’s doing (@tim_martland)

Tough one today. Like Oxford last week, first goal was crucial, they got it and it seemed to knock the stuffing out of us. Onwards to next Saturday and hope we can get our first win! (@CowellLes1975)

For the first time in ages I’ve come away from the ground annoyed and worried. Exeter were a poor team but they had 3 shots on target and scored twice. We could’ve played on after they left and still not scored. Hunts, Lavelle and Armer all poor today, Edmo has to offer much more than he has today. More problematic is not one of the subs really looked like doing much either. Movement has to be made on a target man and more pace soon or we are in for a very long run until January. Not hitting the panic button at all but since the last minute win at Swindon we have played 19 competitive games. We have won 3 and failed to score in 10 of them. This isn’t a new problem. (@parkinsonross)

Genuinely thought the first half was the best I've seen us play in ages. The quality in the team is there, the only problem is up front. Simmo will sort it. (@mtuj1974)

We’re not playing bad, holding our own for the most part, don’t look like we don’t belong in the same league as these teams, but we still lack a proper striker, Maguire looks good, think he just needs a partner up top, Butterworth looked good when he came on. (@joeleigh95)

Brilliant press conference from Simmo. Calm, collected & focused. He’s not losing his head & no reason for us to do so either. We’re staying in games but need new signings to get us on the front foot and ahead of our opponents. Pace & ability to hold up top. Trust in the king! (@fish_blues)

Positives: Fin Back, Butterworth when he came on and who better to improve the team than Paul Simpson? (@ostrichtowers)

Very disappointed, Exeter were nothing special, the difference was they have goalscorers and we haven't. We could have easily been 3 nil up if we had a finisher. Can't understand how Simmo persists with our No9 (Edmo). Does absolutely nothing for the team. Or am I wrong? (@PaulLighty24910)

Disappointing 2nd half. No cohesion, no plan, no creativity. Lot of work to do to remedy that. But, keep believing. (@RonnieSmith1964)

A bit disappointing, deserved at least a point. Goal threat was minimal again, a target man up top is definitely needed (@dtCUFC)

We're playing ok but we're just not clinical and it's really hurting us. Exeter & Fleetwood are nowt special and that's the frustration...dropping points to beatable teams. I think Holy might benefit from a few weeks out of the team. Head's gone a bit...distribution is very woeful! (@johnstone_mikey)

Thought their keeper made a couple of saves early on and our heads dropped. Edmo working hard but nothing sticks. Holy's distribution needs a lot to be desired. Doesn’t take a genius to work out how we play…still loads of points to play for (@SpursTt)

Some issues from last season still plague us. Passing into traffic rather than shooting first time and Holy’s left side hoofing. We can’t afford to give the ball away carelessly while we’ve eight players in the opposition half and expect not to be punished. (@JHallHDI)

We could have won but it was a struggle once we went behind. Not much in the teams but it’s fine margins that will be the determining factor in our survival this season (@Glass942)

I thought we were ok. Exeter an established League 1 team. They were more streetwise. Also their goalie was outstanding, when he wasn’t running out of the box with the ball. Another worryingly poor officiating performance (@AndyMortonPark)

Need a change of formation, can't just keep doing the same thing and hoping it works. Holy’s poor distribution is a big problem, as is a total lack of creativity and players not showing or being decisive in key moments. Looked less effective going forward when Gibson came off. (@CarlisleSaint)