CARLISLE fighter Kit Wilson has been crowned Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu European Double Champion.

The 31-year-old, who is also a coach at Carlisle's Radgie Rollers martial arts school, secured the double gold at the AllStars European Championship that was held in London's Crystal Palace National Sports Centre on Sunday, March 26. 

"Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art whereby one competes against another based on age, weight, and grade to submit and control their opponent," Kit explained.

News and Star: Kit Wilson and SH WilsonKit Wilson and SH Wilson (Image: Kit Wilson)

"The contest starts on the feet and very usually ends on the floor, either ending once time has elapsed and the winner is decided by points scored against each other - awarded for attaining dominant/controlling positions or ending once one athlete submits the other using a joint lock or stranglehold."

Kit won gold in the lightweight 76kg blackbelt category in the kimono and without the kimono. 

All of these wins on the way to his championships, apart from the nogi final which was won on points, were victories by submission.

In this run, Kit did not concede a single point.

Kit said: "Winning the competition meant a lot, but I will keep competing and ultimately want to become a world champion, although it could take my entire life.

"I hope the result can inspire and show fellow Cumbrians that sporting achievements like this are possible using what is in city.

"I’ve always been very proud to represent Carlisle and Cumbria throughout my competitive career, and as coach I very much want my students to surpass my achievements."

Kit's wife Seong Hae Wilson also said: "Kit dedicated his career and took a big risk in starting Radgie Rollers in Carlisle.

"There are many students who train hard and it was a good moment to show them what dedication and hard training can achieve.

"All the members of Radgie Rollers are very proud of him.

"Hopefully Radgie Roller can produce many more champions to represent Carlisle and Cumbria."