Women and girls will get the chance to be involved in free cricket sessions in Carlisle this month.

A total of six sessions, held at the indoor Harraby Sports hall, are due to take place from January 16 to February 20 this year, all starting at 5pm.

Carlisle Cricket Club coach and Cumbria cricket's east area player pathway lead James Bell will be leading the cricketers, with women and girls from across the region welcome to give the game a go.

A message on the Carlisle Cricket Club website said: "The aim is to have a lot fun and look to organise a team to play games this summer.

"It’s a fantastic way to make new friends, have fun and improve your fitness."

Bell added: "Sport England are pushing cricket for women and girls.

"It's something at the club we are trying to push to get more women involved.

"But at the same time, we're happy for women to just come along and try it. There's no pressure at all.

"We just want to get as many people there as we can. It's win-win for us and the girls."

On women's cricket in general, Bell said: "It's massive.

"I work with Laura Marshall for Cumbria Cricket [Women and Girls Development Officer] and she plays for Lancashire Thunder."

Anyone who is interested can email Bell on james.bell@cumbriacricket.co.uk. Alternatively, anyone interested can simply turn up at Harraby Sports Centre on the day and no equipment is required.

The sessions will be held as part of the "Sportivate" initiative, which was launched by Sport England in 2011.