WE shared the news that Carlisle's city centre war memorial will be moved as part of plans to revamp Carlisle's Greenmarket and Market Square.

The multi-million-pound plans aim to remove cars from the area and transform the space into a lively town hub with the end game being increased footfall in the area. 

To do so, the project will be the beneficiary of £4 million from the Future High Street Fund, dedicated to improving the 6000-square-metre area.

The memorial and its benches will be moved to a more prominent space in the market square, based on an agreement with the British Legion.

Here's what readers thought.

Joy Blaylock said: "Why? Why change an accessible area and add steps and why move the memorial?"

Rachel Sharp said: "Love these plans. I walk in to the city centre via Castle St all the time and the councillor is right about that area currently being like a dodgem track! It's one of the nicest spaces to be in the city centre with the town hall and other period buildings around. This will maximise its potential I think but I hope we'll end up with more trees not less."

Emma Mcmillan said: "Looks lovely. Town centre needs a revamp."

Candy Benzie questioned: "What provisions are being made for parking for wheelchair users? Disabled roadside parking is not suitable or safe."