WE shared the news with readers that John Stevenson has written to the council after concern was raised over flooding on St Ninian's Road, Carlisle.

St. Ninian's Road by the railway bridge floods regularly due to a culvert which has not been maintained, according to Mr Stevenson.

Concerns have also been raised over the safety and wellbeing of pupils at St John Henry Newman Catholic School, who are having to wade through floodwater to gain access to school, and the impact this may have on school attendance.

John has written to Network Rail and Cumberland Council to ask them to look into the issue as a 'matter of urgency'.

Here's how readers reacted.

David Eyley said: "Lowest point of the road, so where is the water going to congregate? And if you put additional gravity drains in, guess where it'll end up. You could put more drains higher up the road to intercept, but it'd still flood."

Pat Kirkup said: "Same happens on Kingmoor Road, exactly same problem," while Jason Ruddick added: "It's on a floodplain not exactly rocket science why."

Jonathan Carr said: "Everybody who ever goes that way knows it's in a massive dip and has always flooded."

One web user said: "I was bused to school under that bridge 60 years ago, it's always flooded and always will."

Another said: "I used to work at Michael Thompson’s on St Ninians Road in the 1980s and 1990s and yes it always floods in the bottom."