We shared the news that Carlisle’s high streets could be rejuvenated after council funding has been announced.

Managed by Cumberland Council, the High Street Building Grant scheme forms part of a package of projects which aim to support businesses within the council area.

They are all funded through the council’s annual allocation from the Government for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which also includes the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF).

Supporting landlords will be one of the priorities of the High Street Building Grant Scheme.

Here's how readers reacted.

Rachel Sharp commented: "Will that benefit to landlords be passed on to tenants in terms of lower rents? Because that's one of the big issues when it comes to filling empty units in the city centre."

Mike Morris said: "To compete with the online world - free parking, minimal business rates and smarten up the area by improving the look of empty properties and force existing rundown shops to meet a minimum appearance standard. Make huge companies including online giants pay their fair share in tax. No more loopholes. This can't all be done by local government, it needs support from the top."

Elaine Lightfoot said: "Shops would be good. The first place visitors head for on a day out is the city centre. If they have come for shopping then they are going to be disappointed. There is not even a supermarket now, they are all on the outskirts of town as they assume that everyone has a car."

Annie Mcneill said: "More shops would be a start."