WE shared the news that the chairman of a Cumbrian-based charity specialising in providing 24-hour emergency pre-hospital medical care, has decided now is the right time to retire after over 30 years of service as a GP.

Dr Theo Weston MBE founded BEEP Doctors (BASICS Cumbria) in April 1994 and has dedicated his career to saving the lives of others whilst also volunteering for the Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS).

BEEP Doctors work alongside (GNAAS) and now have 12 doctors who are fully trained in providing pre-hospital anaesthetics and surgical procedures to patients at the roadside.

December 28 was Dr Weston’s last day working for GNAAS.

Here's how readers reacted.

Sue Burgess said: "Enjoy your retirement. Well deserved."

Shirley Wood said: "Happy Retirement Dr Theo. Well deserved," adding he will be missed from the air ambulance service.

BEEP Doctors commented: "All at Beep Doctors are so proud of your service and achievements with GNAAS  Thankfully, you will be continuing your awesome work with us for a while longer."

Lyn Mayhew added: "An amazing guy, I had the pleasure working with him for many years, I wish you all the happiness in your retirement. Thank you Theo."

One web user said: "Thank you for serving the Cumbrian people in times of great need."