WE shared the news that an online reviewer said Whitehaven is a 'dump'. 

The complaint about the town mentions the number of boarded-up shops, as well as dirty pavements with overflowing bins.

Here's how readers reacted.

Anne Tracey said: "Whitehaven has gone down, all shops have closed and no public toilets anymore, have started going to Workington instead which is slightly better and does have a public toilet."

Natalie Lindon said: " I really like Whitehaven. We had a lovely day there in the summer at the harbour, beach, beacon museum, shop and cafes. I love Cafe West and the rum story. The cafe on the harbour front is cute and quirky. Walks along coastal paths are gorgeous and the harbour wall is fun."

Loz Sullivan said Whitehaven 'used to be a bustling/great place to go. Great market and shops'.

Ann Warwick said: "If you want to visit somewhere, visit it and make your own mind up."

Rosemarie DeAthe said Whitehaven's community is 'amazing'.

Eamon O'Neill added: "Last time I was there (10 years ago), there was a great little book shop opposite the post office near the Civic Hall."

Karen Hope said: "So sick and tired of watching the news and watching all the funding going to the "deprived" North East."

One web user said: "Shops are boarded up because they went out of business because the good people of Whitehaven didn't spend their money there. If people spent their money on quality goods rather than on vapes, tattoos and cheap 'fashion' clothing, then they'd get the shops they claim to want but can't be bothered to spend money in."