OUR readers reacted to the news that traders in Carlisle’s Victorian Market Hall raised serious concerns which 'could well spell the end of the market' if not addressed. 

Carlisle’s covered market is a collection of retail stalls including a jewellers and multiple food units. 

In a statement released by the Carlisle Market Traders Association, the group cites a range of grievances including financial strain, deteriorating premises, and 'non-existent' communication with the property management company responsible for the site, Ryden.

Louise Marsh said: "When I was growing up in Carlisle, there used to be events in the Market Hall. Every week I would go to the wrestling with my dad or to plays or music events. The market was bustling with fruit and veg, textiles, butchers, newsagents etc and even a little proper cafe in there. Now there is nothing."

Rachel Sharp said: "It's such a shame, the market hall used to be brilliant. Lovely period building too. I'm not clear whether the council still own the freehold and/or who owns the leasehold but it sounds like another asset that could be sold off soon unfortunately. Still don't understand why the Christmas market isn't held there."

Shirley Wood added: "This is not a market anymore, what an attraction for visitors, they certainly will be disappointed. When years ago we could buy most things in there. Even some of the eating places have disappeared."