A DRUNK woman persistently misused the 999 service, telling the call handler she would ‘drink herself to death’.

Linda Liddell, 53, called 999 three times in the early hours of May 13 and was ‘clearly intoxicated’ and ‘inappropriate’ during the calls, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Outlining the case, prosecutor Pamela Fee said Liddell had dialled 999 and was screaming, saying she was suicidal. She rang back and said she would drink until she was dead.

Police went to her address and the defendant had not harmed herself. The court heard that Liddell has a history of alcohol misuse and had never harmed herself previously.

She called 999 again as soon as officers had left and said she wanted police to ‘drag her body out of the harbour’. She said she would ‘drink herself to death’ if police didn’t come back to see her. Liddell was told to ring the crisis team for mental health issues.

She was later interviewed by police about the offence and gave ‘no comment’.

Ms Fee said Liddell had a number of previous convictions that were committed while under the influence of alcohol.

The court heard that Liddell often behaves ‘inappropriately’ towards emergency services and members of the public while she is intoxicated.

Claire Kirkpatrick, defending, said: “There were admissions made at the time in a prepared statement. Because of her previous convictions, she was deemed unsuitable for a caution.

“She came to court and pleaded guilty.

“She fully accepts this was a cry for help. She dealt with it incorrectly. She was advised by the crisis team to have a bath and a warm drink. She did feel she was struggling.

“There were three calls to the police. She accepts they were inappropriate. It doesn’t cause massive disruption. She does accept she is going to have to deal with the problems.

“She feels proud of herself for making a significant improvement in the last 12 months. She fully accepts she uses alcohol to cope with her mental health.

“She turns to alcohol. It can be a catalogue of errors from there on.”  

Liddell pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to persistently making use of public communication network to cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety.

Magistrates imposed a 12-month community order with 10 rehabilitation activity requirement days and an £80 fine.

Liddell, of Duke Street, Whitehaven, must also pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.