A TRAIN passenger who stole another person’s suitcase during a journey through Cumbria has been jailed.

Bradley Day, 36, who is currently being held at a prison in Liverpool, carried out the theft as he and two friends got off the train at Penrith, the city’s Rickergate court heard.

He admitted theft.

The court heard that the owner of the suitcase – which with its contents was valued at £800 – was sitting on a seat facing away from the luggage storage area during the journey on January 12.

While the suitcase’s owner did not see the theft, the entire offence was captured by the train’s CCTV.

When the defendant was traced and interviewed by the police, he gave no comment answers.

The defendant’s defence lawyer told the court that Day is currently awaiting sentence for a robbery, with a sentence which has a starting point of five years in jail.

He was last in court on May 24 for an offence of making off without payment.

District Judge John Temperley told Day that the offence was aggravated by his criminal record, which was “horrendous.” The judge told the defendant: “I am satisfied that the three of you got on to that train intending that you would take something.”

The judge imposed 12 weeks jail, but pointed out that the sentence would probably be “academic” given the more serious offence for which Day is soon to be sentenced.

The defendant must also pay a £154 surcharge. Day has been held on remand at HM Altcourse, Liverpool.