WORKINGTON Comets have reported there has been a break in at their Northside premises. 

It is thought that the incident took place on Wednesday, May 29. 

The club is estimating that the losses are 'substantial' and that thousands of pounds worth of equipment has been stolen. 

In a post on social media, Workington Comets wrote: "The Workington Speedway promotion is disappointed to share the news of a break-in at the Northside premises - believed to have been conducted in the early hours of Wednesday morning, May 29. 

"It seems the storage building housing the track equipment including strimmers, grass cutters, power tools, and other equipment was targeted.

"We are currently estimating the loss to be substantial, with thousands of pounds of equipment stolen. A thorough police and forensics investigation is ongoing, and we hope to get more answers going forward.

"Workington Speedway is aiming to get back on track for our home meeting against Plymouth on June 15.

"If anyone has information, no matter how small it may be, please contact us directly or Cumbria Police on 101. 

"A cash reward will also be offered on the return of the equipment."