THE City's community has reacted to the despicable killing of a swan at Carlisle's Hammonds Pond with shock and dismay. 

Cumbria Police said a swan was attacked and killed by a dog at Hammond's Pond in Carlisle on Friday May 24.

While police investigations are ongoing, officers have urged a man who was identified to be wearing a grey top and black trousers, with a black dog, to make contact.

A Cumbria police spokesperson said: "Officers would like to reassure the public that this is an isolated incident.

"We would ask dog owners to use leads and restraints with their dogs when using our parks and green spaces in order to avoid further incidents and the potential for a criminal record."

The death of one of the city's beloved swans has been met with shock and anger by the community.

People have commented on the fact that swans are one of the few creatures which mate for life.

Furthermore, people have remarked upon the royal link to swans given that the Crown has held the right to claim ownership of all unmarked mute swans swimming in open waters throughout the UK from as far back as the 1100s.

Steven Hunt said: "I've done work for Swan Rescue elsewhere years back and this is totally avoidable.

"Its mate will be distraught as they mate for life.

"Keep your dogs on a lead if they don't have recall capacity."

He added on the issue of people not keeping their dogs on leads: "I see it time and again on the fells as well.

"Off the lead, chasing sheep, or just not listening to being called back.

"If you don't trust your dog then that's down to poor training.

"No excuse, none, it's poor ownership but this is a whole new level."

Glynis Milburn said: "This is just so sad, they were sitting on eggs and swans mate for life.

"The one left will pine away; when will people learn to keep dogs on leads?

"Go to a field where there’s no livestock and let the dog have a run round! Heartbreaking."

Another reader said: "I’ve no doubt that the man won’t come forward but someone with a conscience may just have enough integrity."