A 16-year-old Cumbrian drove at 100mph before crashing into a wall in a residential area.

The teenager has been banned from driving for three and a half years and handed a 12 month detention order after pleading guilty to five driving offences and one count of theft at the Magistrates' Court in Carlisle on Friday.

The defendant took a Honda Jazz without consent and drove it dangerously around Blackpool and Wigton in May.

Prosecutor George Shelley laid out the details of the offences, which saw the teenager run three red lights, travel at 60mph in a 30mph zone, reach 100mph, and continue to drive after a tyre fell off, before finally crashing into a residential wall.

He also had a 14-year-old boy with him in the passenger seat at the time. This younger boy was remanded by police, while the older boy was chased away from the scene before being caught.

The defendant also pleaded guilty to stealing a wallet from a white Transit van.

Already disqualified from driving and without insurance, with 10 previous convictions from 35 offences, the 16-year-old was handed a three-and-a-half-year ban, which includes his current six months ban.

He will spend the next six months in custody and must take an extended driving test when his disqualification ends in late 2027.

No fine was imposed due to the boy currently living in care.

District Judge John Temperley said: “You had very good reports at times. You were doing quite well. What has gone wrong? I don’t understand. It was hugely dangerous to yourself.

"It could have been a lot worse.”

Defending, Sean Harkin admitted that a detention and training order was inevitable, but asked the judge to adjourn any decision on the criminal behaviour order application and allow a full psychological examination of the defendant to be completed before a decision is made.

The defendant said: “I don’t know why I am doing these things. I want to find out why.

"Hopefully, I can get help.”