A MOTORIST who collided with a stationary car at traffic lights in Carlisle has been left with a court bill of £202.

John James Brown, 33, of Dukeswood Road, Longtown, committed the offence on October 23 last year at Peter Lane, Carlisle’s Rickergate court heard.

He pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention.

The court heard that he drove his Peugeot 208 into the rear of an Audi which was stationary at traffic lights, causing that car to collided with a third one.

The Audi was left with slight damage to its front, and “significant” damage at the rear, the court heard. The driver suffered whiplash, a leg injury, bruising and shock.  Magistrates fined Brown £80 with £90 costs.

There was a £32 victim surcharge as well as five points imposed on the defendant’s licence