More than two-thirds of new visual impairment diagnoses in Cumberland last year were due to preventable causes, new figures show.

The Royal National Institute for Blind People said investment in eye health and earlier diagnosis and treatment are essential for preventing unnecessary sight loss.

Office for Health and Disparity analysis based on Moorfields Eye Hospital data shows 147 Certificates of Visual Impairment were given to people in Cumberland in 2022-23.

Of these, 84 were due to age-related macular degeneration – a disease that blurs central vision. A further 10 were due to glaucoma and nine due to diabetic eye disease.

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These are all considered preventable causes of sight loss.

It meant, 70 per cent of new cases in the area were preventable.

The completion of a CVI by a consultant ophthalmologist, starts the process of registration with a local authority and leads to access to services. The certificate is voluntary, so true rates may be higher.