A YOUNG farmer from the Lake District has raised awareness of the devastating effects flooding can have on Cumbria's farming community - after his farm was hit by heavy rain and flooding.

Josh Trafford, 22, better know on social media as Josh the Young Farmer, lives on a sheep farm at Bassenthwaite Hall in the Lake District, also working on his family dairy farm just outside of Wigton.

He has said that the farm has faced many challenges since the rain started a few days ago, with downpours 'not stopping' until today, May 23.



Josh said: "All of the milking cows are fine but there are some which are called 'dry cows' - which is ironic because of the weather. They are heavily pregnant and are on a six-eight week break from milking to allow them to calve.

"They are on one of the lower bits of land on the farm and that has suffered the most severe level of flooding. Luckily they are strong and hardy so they have managed to find a bit of grass that hasn't been affected by the rain so they are safe.

"The sheep are luckily in a field that starts low but goes really high so they managed to get to safety where the field is dry."

The bad weather has come at a busy time of years for farmers with many crops being sown and growing throughout the summer months - and flooding has devastating effects on the community.

News and Star: Flooding in the lane and a field of the farm.Flooding in the lane and a field of the farm. (Image: Supplied)

Josh said: "This is a busy time of year for farmers. Seeds have been sown and grown and the grass is ready to be silaged so then the cows have all the grass they need in the winter months when they can't go outside.

"For the start of this year a lot of the jobs we have usually managed to get done have been pushed back due to the amount of poor weather we have suffered recently.

"I have seen a field that has recently had barley planted in it but half of it has been flooded which just adds to the drastic pressures farmers in this country are under."

But Josh is trying to stay positive amid these testing times. With the rain stopping the young farmer is hoping for a dry spell and some sunshine to try and right the wrongs of the last few days.

He said: "I always say that as a farmer the weather is like your mate around all the time. It's there all year round but sometimes it falls out with you and farmers suffer the consequences of that poor weather.

"Luckily the rain has stopped for now so hopefully the sun quickly makes and appearance and can dry up the wet land and make for a positive summer of farming."