A KENDAL man twice indecently exposed himself to police officers after he was arrested for "bizarre" behaviour which included him spitting at a woman.

Adam Butterfield, 32, who pleaded guilty to both a common assault and exposure, committed both offences within a few days in March of last year, prosecutor Brendan Burke told Carlisle Crown Court.

The barrister described what happened.

A woman who was visiting somebody at a property who lives near to Butterfield noticed that he was behaving “erratically”, swearing at workmen who were in the street.

This prompted the woman to intervene.

“She told him to leave the workers alone,” said Mr Burke. “But he continued with his strange behaviour.” He asked her a sexual question. The woman concluded that Butterfield was intoxicated on some substance.

When the defendant offered to shake her hand, she agreed, hoping it would pacify him but he responded by kissing and licking her hand. Butterfield then began interfering with the woman’s car, prompting her to object.

This triggered more bizarre behaviour, with the defendant embracing the woman and swinging her around. At one point, he tried to spit at her.

Mr Burke went on to describe how two days after the incident police took the defendant to the station and put him in a safety suit – but he then pulled the suit down at the station front counter, exposing his genitals.

He exposed himself again after he was put in a cell.

The court heard that Butterfield has 42 offences on his record. They include thefts, public order offences, cannabis possession, battery, and criminal damage.

Francesca Persaud, defending, said the defendant had attended his GP and sought help.

“He has said he is not using drugs, either illicit of prescription, and he is willing to do whatever is required of him.” The barrister added: “He is embarrassed and ashamed and sorry for doing what he did.”

 Judge Nicholas Barker said the defendant behaved in a “bizarre” way, despite knowing that while he is drunk – as on this occasion – he has no control over his behaviour. ”Your behaviour was wholly unacceptable,” said the judge.

Butterfield made a sexual comment to the woman, and behaved in a disruptive, unpleasant, and antisocial way. The defendant’s behaviour at the police station was “disgusting,” said the judge.

Judge Barker imposed a three-year community order, with 20 rehabilitation activity days and 160 hours of unpaid work.

Butterfield, of Kilner Close, Kendal, will be on the Sex Offender Register for five years.  He will also be subjected to a sexual harm prevention order for the same period. Registration for exposure offences is a decision that is at the judge's discretion.