A THIEF who stole wine and snacks from a convenience store has been ordered to pay compensation.

Jack Lowrey, 20, entered the Morrisons Daily store in Distington on March 21 with another male.

He selected a packet of pork scratchings and wine then left the store, making no attempt to pay, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said CCTV footage showed the defendant concealing the items on his person.

Lowrey, of Coronation Crescent, Distington, pleaded guilty to theft from a shop.

The defendant, who was not legally represented, said: “I’ve got no excuse, really. I’ve just been going through a bad patch.”

Magistrates imposed a six-month conditional discharge and ordered Lowrey to pay £10.35 in compensation.

He must also pay £85 costs and a £26 victim surcharge.