A Carlisle optician has urged children to swap screen time for outdoor play in an effort to fight an eye condition that could affect half of the world's population by 2050.

Myopia, also known as short-sightedness, is a condition that results in blurred or poor vision when viewing distant objects.

Lucy Peart of D&D McWilliams Opticians, in Stanwix, Carlisle, said: "In myopic eyes, the length of the eyeball is often longer than it should be, causing images of distant objects to be focused 'in front of' rather than 'on' the light-sensitive layer of the eye known as the retina."

The condition may increases the risk of more serious eye conditions like retinal detachment or myopic maculopathy, which can result in visual impairment or even blindness later in life.

Ms Peart also highlighted how both genetics and environmental factors can influence whether a child develops myopia.

She said: “Current research indicates that both genetics – if one of your parents has myopia, you are three times more likely to develop it – and environmental factors influence whether a child will develop myopia

“However, while we cannot change their genetics, it is useful to know that environment plays a significant role in myopia development and therefore, everyone can use some simple strategies to help protect their vision both now and into the future."

She has advised parents to encourage their children to spend time outdoors and to take regular breaks. For every 20 minutes spent on near tasks, it is recommended to take a break for 20 seconds gazing into the distance (20 feet or six metres away).

An increase in time outdoors of around two hours per day helps children use their full range of vision, significantly reducing the risk of developing myopia

Early diagnosis and intervention is key to slowing the progression of myopia, with regular eye examinations by an eye care professional recommended.

To find out more information or to book an appointment please visit www.dmcwilliams.co.uk