A MAN ‘lost his temper’ and kicked a window out of a police vehicle after being arrested in a neighbourhood dispute over music.

Benjamin Leigh, 35, was arrested in Whitehaven in the early hours of May 3. He was put in the rear cage of a police vehicle, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said the defendant then kicked a window out of the vehicle. He was arrested for criminal damage.

John Cooper, defending, said Leigh had originally been arrested in a neighbourhood dispute over music.

“Comments were made to police that he had done something which he denies. That was investigated and there was no charge.

“Unfortunately, his temper got the better of him. If he hadn’t kicked out the window, he wouldn’t be here today.”

Leigh, of Cross Street, Whitehaven, pleaded guilty to criminal damage under £5,000.

Magistrates fined the defendant £40 and ordered him to pay £800 in compensation for the damage to the window.

He must also pay £85 costs and a £16 victim surcharge.