A Cumbrian primary school is leaving its playing fields uncut this May to help out wildlife.

Fellview Primary School in Caldbeck is taking part in No Mow May, so that children can see the benefits of encouraging the growth of wild flowers to stimulate insect life.

The school also has weekly forest lessons in its outdoor space, featuring its own woodland and stream.

Headteacher Gillian McElvogue, said: "We have been teaching our children about the importance of diverse ecosystems and how we can help to look after the local environment and habitats, and everyone was incredibly enthusiastic about adopting No Mow May.

“It’s been such a simple way of bringing science lessons to life and getting the children to talk and think about issues such as the importance of biodiversity, the role of insects and what each of us can do to respect and protect our local environment.

"It’s also been a discussion point for our Philosophy for Children sessions where we’ve had very lively debates about what makes a weed a weed.

"We’re obviously a very rural school and sit in the amazing landscape of the Northern Fells, so teaching the children about the environment is a key part of the kids also understanding their local community and local history.

"It’s been lovely to see the dandelions coming into bloom and the bees and butterflies thriving.”