A WEST Cumbrian rugby club could get new floodlights for two of its existing pitches if the plans are approved by Cumberland Council.

The planning application has been submitted Wigton RUFC in Lowmoor Road, Wigton, and it proposes installing four lighting columns per pitch.

In addition, the proposal would involve the installation of 16 lamp units providing an average 200 lumen across each pitch.

The applicant has stated that the lighting would be used no later than 10pm and all of the lighting would be downwards facing.

According to the application form the site covers an area of 6.49 hectares and the applicant states: "The use of the pitches will remain the same, we will just be able to use them later into the evening.

"We have chosen to use floodlighting on the pitches furthest away from our residential neighbours. Which is beside our existing floodlit astro turf facility.

"The lighting will be used no later than 10pm, although in most cases lighting will be off by 9pm. All lighting is downwards facing and will not cause a nuisances to neighbours.

"The site is used for a range of sport and recreations. The location of the proposed developments are rugby pitches used for rugby training and games (all ages)."

The application is currently being considered by planning officers at the council.