A PENRITH woman caught drink driving blamed her offending on having too many alcohol infused “hot toddies” for her cold.

The explanation was outlined in court by a probation officer who interviewed 64-year-old Joyce Creighton, a woman so highly regarded by her colleagues that they have reorganised their shifts to accommodate her driving ban.

At Carlisle’s Rickergate court, Creighton, of Alder Road, Penrith, admitted drink driving on Saturday, May 4. Peter Kelly, prosecuting, described what happened.

The offending came to light at around 4pm after a woman who was driving along Carleton Road in Penrith encountered the defendant’s Kia Picanto car.

Travelling immediately behind Creighton's Kia, the woman quickly became concerned about how the defendant was driving.

“She described a period of driving which caused her some concern,” said Mr Kelly. “When the lights changed, the defendant’s car did not move. The woman had an appointment to go to and this caused her a degree of frustration.

“Eventually, the [defendant’s] vehicle did move but it adopted an unusual position in the road and it was driving at one third of the 30mph speed limit.”

The Kia also strayed into the wrong lane.

Ultimately, the Picanto arrived at the town’s Sainsbury’s car park, where it collided with a bollard. Mr Kelly continued: “The witness was concerned because she thought the driver was having some form of medical episode.”

When the police arrived, it became apparent that Creighton was under the influence. A formal breath test at the police station confirmed that the defendant had 111mcg of alcohol in every 100mls of breath.

The legal limit for driving is 35mcg.

Creighton was a lady of previous good character and she fully cooperated with the police, added Mr Kelly.

Chris Toms, defending, told magistrates: “She has little recollection of the incident and she is unlikely to trouble the courts again.

"Such is the regard she is held in that people at her work have reorganised their shifts around the fact that she will not be able to drive in the future because they want to keep her.

“That speaks to her credit and character.”

A probation officer who spoke to Creighton told magistrates: “It transpires that she had been suffering from a cold at the time and she’d had few hot toddies over and above; and she’d also taken Beecham’s.

“She didn’t think it would affect her and then went out to Sainsbury’s. She’s extremely remorseful and was visibly distressed during our conversation, expressing how it was a stupid and silly mistake.”

Creighton, who had displayed no criminal attitudes, she was thankful she did not hurt herself or anybody else.

Magistrates noted the high alcohol reading and the poor driving. They imposed a 12-month community order which will include 80 hours of unpaid work. The defendant was given a 26 month ban but offered the drink driver rehabilitation course.

If completed by a deadline, this will reduce the ban by 26 weeks. Creighton must also pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.