A NEW 'challenge path' is being introduced at West Cumberland Hospital. 

This is being introduced as part of the new stroke rehabilitation facilities. 

It will be located in an outside space that can only be accessed by staff, patients, and visitors. 

The aim is to mimic some of the challenges people might face in real life once they finish their treatment at the hospital in Whitehaven

Senior physiotherapist, John Owens, demonstrated how the challenge path will be used to help patients with their rehabilitation after suffering a stroke.

He said: "This is a new concept for us, it basically allows patients to progress their mobility outdoors with increasing levels of difficulty to challenge the balance. 

"There are bars nice and secure all the way along starting easy with relatively smooth cobbles and then as we progress round we come to some slate to challenge people visually and in terms of their balance. 

"We come to a nice step area, which is great for those patients looking to progress to start stepping into the front door or steps in the normal environment. 

"Again, it's nice and secure, and once they've mastered that they can progress to our loose stones which get progressively rockier as we move on. 

"If you're a higher level you can move on to the final challenge."

Paul Satterley, lead physiotherapist added: “We were keen to mimic some of the challenges patients will face in the outside world, such as different underfoot terrain and curbs which is why we have created the ‘Challenge Path’.

"The Challenge Path has handrails on each side and a number of different terrains, from cobbles to loose slate, each with varying levels of difficulty. This will allow us to practice with patients and prepare them for leaving the hospital.

"The path also has a curbed area which imitates a pavement or front doorstep, again to familiarise patients with challenges they may face once at home. Being able to offer this kind of rehabilitation is vitally important.”