A FIELD in the Brampton area could be changed into a horse training area and stables if the plans are approved by Cumberland Council.

The planning application is for a site at Rowan Hill in Low Gelt Bridge and the plans are also for a feed shed.

According to the application form it is for four stall stables and the horse training areas would measure 60m by 20m.

The walls and roof would be made from wood and metal sheeting and it would have wooden doors.

The form states that the existing use for the field is for grazing sheep. It adds: "The development of stables, feed shed and training area will be built on very poor quality grass land. No conservation area is present. All hedging is being kept and no trees are affected."

In addition, the report states: "The site is only 0.12 hectares in size. This will not impact on the habitat of the wildlife. I do plan on building both bird boxes and an owl box on the side of the building."

The planning application is currently being considered by officers at the council's planning department.