Dr Neil Hudson MP shone a light on rural crime and antisocial behaviour at a roundtable with the Home Secretary, the Rt. Hon James Cleverly MP.

Dr Hudson was keen to impress upon the Home Secretary the 'blight' of rural crime including fly-tipping, hare coursing, animal and vehicle crime in his rural constituency. 

To tackle rural crime, Cumbria Police work with other forces to target criminals during key initiatives throughout the year, with Operation Lantern as the codename for dedicated operations to target multiple types of rural crime in Cumbria.

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Speaking afterwards, Dr Neil Hudson MP said: "From farm equipment thefts and property damage to hare coursing, poaching and fly tipping -  too long criminals have preyed upon isolated homes, businesses and sites in the countryside. 

"But thanks to new policing powers and bespoke laws, we are cracking down on rural crime. I thank the Home Secretary for giving me the opportunity to raise rural issues at the highest levels of Government and look forward to seeing results.”