Penrith MP, Dr Neil Hudson, has backed an update on ‘safe age-appropriate’ suicide awareness and prevention in schools following the 3 Dads Walking campaign.

 The 3 Dads Walking are Andy, Mike and Tim who came together following the tragic loss to suicide of their daughters, Sophie, Beth and Emily.

The trio have since turned their tragedies into a campaign of hope, lobbying Government to support the mental health of our children through suicide awareness education.

Dr Hudson, Andy's constituency MP, has supported the 3 Dads throughout their campaign.

With recognition that such an emotive issue as suicide must be handled sensitively and skilfully, the changes will make sure teaching equips pupils to recognise when they or their peers might need help and to act.

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Dr Neil Hudson MP said: "New guidance will equip both students and teachers the tools they need to identify when they or their peers might need help.

“Put simply, these measures will save children’s lives.

"I'd like to reinforce that this new guidance could not have come about if not for the crucial work of the 3 Dads Walking.

“I again pay tribute to their indomitable spirits and thank them for the hope they have brought future generations. They truly are heroes, and it has been the privilege of a lifetime to work alongside them to deliver this change."