A THIEF who snatched food parcels from a supermarket foyer told police she had a ‘massive drugs debt’.

Caitlin Wilson, 22, entered Morrisons in Workington with a male on the evening of November 24 last year.

The male stayed in the supermarket foyer while Wilson went into the store and selected several items, including tubs of ice-cream and baby food pouches, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said the defendant then re-joined the male in the foyer and waited there for a few minutes.

Wilson then picked up food parcel items, which had been donated by customers for charity and left the store.

During police interview, Wilson admitted stealing the items. She said she had a ‘massive drugs debt’ and had taken them to feed herself.

Wilson, of Derwent Avenue, Seaton, Workington, pleaded guilty to theft from a shop.

John Cooper, defending, said: “She was living with an older gentleman. She wasn’t getting any support.

“She has a flat. Things seem to be going well. Her mum is here supporting her.”

In relation to the food parcels, Mr Cooper said: “This is not food that’s been donated. It seems to be a system where the shop leaves food items outside. It’s still shop items for them to sell.”

Wilson was fined £40 and ordered to pay £22.50 in compensation to Morrisons. She must pay £85 costs and a £16 victim surcharge.