Carlisle Socialist Party is to host another stall in Carlisle city centre on Saturday aiming to garner support for its ‘save our NHS’ campaign.

Their campaign has been underway for more than a year and the group are looking for more people to sign their petition.

A spokesperson for Carlisle Socialist Party said: “Nationally, there are 250 avoidable deaths every week due to delays in emergency care.

“Social care is in a state of collapse.

“We spend less on healthcare than equivalent countries, and private companies are bleeding vital resources from our NHS.

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“Both the Tories and Labour want even more privatisation. Carlisle Socialist Party opposes this.

“We are demanding that the government fill the NHS and care vacancies, give above inflation pay rises to all healthcare workers, and re-nationalise our NHS by ending privatisation and outsourcing.”

People can visit the stall outside the HSBC bank, English Street, 11 am - 1 pm on Saturday, May 18.