A CUMBRIAN woman who gained weight whilst in lockdown, lost five stone prior to her wedding day with the help of Slimming World.

27-year-old Leah Comish from Aitkon near Wigton lost five stone prior to her wedding day, after gaining weight during lockdown.

Leah said: “After been overweight for over 5 years, and in a relationship for 12 years, I had gradually put weight on as I felt comfortable with my partner, covid hit and I was in a job where I was unhappy and at my heaviest, my eating habits were centred around my emotions.

“I had tried calorie counting, shakes and pills etc but none where sustainable, I wasn’t changing my habits and still emotionally eating.

“I knew my Local Slimming World Consultant Denise and where the Slimming World Group was in Wigton Bowling Club, I decided I was ready to commit to my weight loss journey, food optimising was sustainable, nothing was out of bounds, I could eat the foods I enjoyed, pasta, chips."

Leah said staying to group every week, to get the help support and inspiration for the week ahead was key to her success regardless of weight change.

She said: “From Day 1 Denise believed in me, she believed I could achieve my chosen target. Lifelong friendships have been built in our slimming world group and staying to image therapy every week celebrating our losses or supporting us to make the changes is vital for lasting weight-loss success. I feel myself when I see myself in the mirror.

“I am more confident and pain free. Going clothes shopping is a fantastic experience, my partner (now husband) has always supported me through my journey and has celebrated all my achievements and tells me every day about how proud of me he is.

“We eat the same meals as there is no need to cook differently, my mother-in-law also joined and has also achieved her target weight.”