A DISTRESSED wife urged her taxi driver husband to report two women passengers who subjected him racist abuse during a journey through Carlisle.

A fellow passenger who shared the late night taxi journey with 25-year-old Shanie Phillipson to the street where she lives was the main instigator but the defendant “contributed to” the racial abuse, a court heard.

Phillipson's friend has not yet been identified.

But at the city’s Rickergate court, Phillipson, of Boundary Road, Currock, Carlisle, admitted using racially aggravated threatening and abusive words and behaviour.

Prosecutor George Shelley outlined the facts.

The taxi driver collected the defendant and a second woman on the evening of August 25 last year but as they got into the car they were carrying open cans of alcohol, which prompted the driver to tell them that this was not allowed.

It was the unidentified woman who was the main protagonist in the bad behaviour that followed, said Mr Shelley.

Phillipson sat behind the driver and made comments suggesting he was a paedophile. When she began eating crisps, and he asked to not do that, she said she was allowed to eat whatever she wanted “in her own country.”

Mr Shelley said: “The role of other female was far more prominent during the journey but nevertheless Miss Phillipson actively contributed to the racially aggravated element.”

The incident was captured by the taxi’s video camera, and it was after the victim’s wife had viewed this that she told him he had to report it to the police. Police then circulated the footage, and a local officer identified the defendant.

In a victim impact statement, the taxi driver said what happened left him feeling “extremely stressed”. He dreaded going to work amid fear that something similar or possibly worse would happen.

After the incident, his wife had struggled to sleep because she worried about him.

District Judge John Temperley said the statement showed evidence of the serious distress caused by the defendant and her friend.

Mr Shelley said the driver had stopped the taxi and tried to get the women out but then abandoned the attempt fearing it would cause even more trouble. The District Judge said he wanted a background report before passing sentence.

This should include an assessment of whether the defendant is suitable for a mental health treatment requirement.

Adjourning sentence for three weeks, District Judge Temperley said: “I am concerned about this offence. I have all sentencing options in mind, and I am not ruling out custody.”

Phillipson must return to court on May 7 to be sentenced.