A CARLISLE man grabbed and pushed his partner as he turned angry and accused her of being unfaithful, a court heard.

Andrew Clarke, 36, initially made a FaceTime call to the woman while she was away from her city home at around 1pm on February 7 this year.

Clarke asked where she was. “She showed him where she was using the camera, and he has accused her of being around at another male’s house,” prosecutor Peter Wilson told Carlisle Crown Court.

Later in the day, she went to see him at a Carlisle address after giving him some time to calm down. During that brief visit she noted he appeared fine, the call was not mentioned and the woman returned home.

At around 10pm Clarke attended her address, calling her to state that he was outside.

“The complainant went outside to see him, and he has again accused her of cheating on him with his friend,” Mr Wilson told the court. She did not let him into the house and instead they spoke outside the front of the house.

“At that point he asked to see her phone which she refused, causing him to become angry,” said the prosecutor.

“He grabbed her arm to try and get her phone and has then pushed her against railings outside her home address. He has kept on grabbing her arms, pulling them and pushing her against the railings by her shoulders.

"He has ripped her jumper pocket by pulling her arms towards him. The complainant has begun screaming because he wouldn’t get off her during the incident.“

This ended and no injuries were caused to the woman, who returned to her home and phoned police.

Clarke, now of Heysham Park Avenue, Carlisle, admitted assault by beating and damaging clothing belonging to the woman, who sat in a court public gallery as he was sentenced.

The two offences put Clarke in breach of a community order imposed by magistrates last August for drug-driving.

Defence lawyer Mark Shepherd said the woman was the long-term partner of Clarke, who had been remanded in custody since mid-February. There had been no previous incidents of domestic violence.

Mr Shepherd told the court: “His overwhelming priority is to be released from custody to seek to rebuild the relationship.”

Clarke was made subject to a 12-month community order through which he must complete up to 25 days of rehabilitation activity work with the probation service.