YOUTHS at a west Cumbrian community centre have been recognised for actively promoting mental health awareness over the last 12 months - and raising more than £1,000 for related charities.

The group at Frizington Youth and Community Centre, aged between between 8-17 years old, wanted to raise awareness of mental health struggles in the area, as well as pinpoint and raise money for charities that help those across Cumbria.

The youngsters kick-started their campaign with social media posts, highlighting local mental health organisations.

The Phoenix Youth Project group then participated in a community fundraiser for suicide prevention charity Papyrus, collecting more than £950 by creating crisis contacts and mental health packets.

After this, they decided they would like to run their own event, and they held a mental health awareness afternoon tea and bingo.

Youth development worker Rebecca Doyle said: "This was a lot of planning for the young people and they worked extremely hard.

"They planned it amazingly and got the word out about it... the event went down brilliantly and raised £245 for YoungMinds."

News and Star: The young people at the community centre designed posters to be placed around Frizington The young people at the community centre designed posters to be placed around Frizington (Image: Supplied)

The group took part in Every Life Matters' suicide awareness workshop, which they described as "really eye-opening".

The team continued their online campaign throughout all of their other pursuits, and started painting 'positivity rocks' and posters and placing them around Frizington for the community to enjoy.

They decided the next big hurdle would be Christmas, acknowledging that this can often be a hard time for a lot of people. In collaboration with the Always Another Way organisation, they distributed boxes - containing sweeties, stress balls, advice and contact cards - to young community members who would benefit from them, as well as their peers.

Ms Doyle said: "The young people have worked so hard all year round; coming up with ideas, planning, advertising, attending and running events as well as coming up with messages to raise awareness on social media.

"We are extremely proud of them and what they have achieved here at the Phoenix Youth Project."