A YOUNG woman who claimed she was  “subjected to threats” was caught on CCTV as she brandished a knife outside supported living accommodation in Carlisle.

A worker at the facility, which provides accommodation to people aged 16 to 18, heard 28-year-old Leah Kennedy say: “Is she in there? I’m going to come in there and stab her,” the city’s Rickergate Magistrates’ Court heard.

Kennedy, of Merith Avenue, Botcherby, Carlisle, admitted possessing the knife in a public place without lawful authority. Prosecutor Peter Kelly outlined what happened.

The offence happened at around 7.20pm on January 15 when staff at the supported accommodation became aware there had been communication between the defendant and two residents.

The worker involved saw another resident approach the front door of the flats complex but then run away. When she checked the CCTV camera, she saw images of the defendant pursuing the person who had run away.

A short time later, Kennedy returned.

Images of her captured in the CCTV footage show her holding a knife, and appearing to be agitated and yelling at somebody. She is also seen kicking a door at the flats, which prompted staff there to close the door.

Duncan Campbell, defending, said there would be a lot of mitigation. “She was suffering badly from her mental health and has little recollection of the events that are seen on CCTV,” said the lawyer.

The background to the incident included Kennedy being subjected to various threats, said Mr Campbell.

 “She reached the point where she lost control,” continued the lawyer. “She had no intention to harm anyone.  She made it clear that she would have dropped the knife and there probably would have been a fight.

“It probably would have been dealt with in that way.”

After hearing representations from both defence and prosecution advocates, magistrates ruled that the defendant should be sentenced by a judge at Carlisle Crown Court. They sent the case there for a hearing on April 30.

Kennedy was granted bail in the meantime.