A CARLISLE woman who kicked out at one police officer, and bit and punched another, was told she had committed "serious" offences.

Hannah Kerr committed the offences after police responded to an incident in the city on March 16, the city's Rickergate court heard. She admitted three counts of assaulting emergency workers. All of victims were police officers.

 Of one assault on a male constable, prosecutor Peter Kelly said: “It is a kick towards his head which narrowly missed his eye.”

There were two more assaults on a second, female PC. “There is a strike and she punched the officer in the jaw,” continued Mr Kelly. “There is then biting of the same officer later on. Fortunately that was through clothing.

"It didn’t break the skin.”

All three assaults were committed while Kerr, formerly of Oakleigh Way, Carlisle, was “in drink”, the court heard. The case was was adjourned for the preparation of a pre-sentence report. Kerr, who was not legally represented, will return to court later this month to be sentenced.

She will have the option of being represented by a duty solicitor.