A SHOPLIFTER banned from stores in three west Cumbrian towns has been warned he will face jail if he continues to offend.

Mark Timney, 53, was brought before Workington Magistrates’ Court to face three charges of theft from a shop after he was identified by staff from CCTV footage.

A Criminal Behaviour Order has been imposed since the offences took place, which bans Timney from shops in Whitehaven and Workington and from the Co-op and Greggs in Egremont.

Outlining the offences, prosecutor Jacqui Partington said Timney had stolen £47.70 worth of food items from the Co-op in Egremont on June 19 last year.

On January 10, Timney stole items to an unknown value from Heron Foods in Whitehaven and then on February 9, he stole £40 worth of meat from Spar in Egremont.

Ms Partington said the offences had come to light as a result of ‘Operation Retail’ – which sees staff at the stores view CCTV footage to identify thefts.

John Cooper, defending, said: “There had been some significant drug use in the past.

“He was given a CBO from all shops in Whitehaven and to say out of shops in Egremont as well.

“He was on the main page of the News & Star website and loads of people were making jokes about him being banned from Greggs. If he does anything, he will be identified straightaway.

“He was given strict advice, ‘if you don’t stick to the order, next time you will be going to prison.’”

Magistrates imposed a 12-month conditional discharge. Timney, of Main Street, Egremont, was ordered to pay £85 costs and a total of £87.70 in compensation.