'THOUSANDS' of motorbike riders are due to descend on Barrow for a public memorial to Hairy Biker Dave Myers.

A special 'Dave Day' is being planned to celebrate the TV chef's life after the idea was floated at a get-together following his funeral this week.

Long-time friend Graham Twyford said Dave's wife Liliana had suggested the idea of a memorial day at the event.

Early planning is under way, with dates in June or July earmarked for the memorial fun day.

Mr Twyford said: "We're conscious that there needs to be some commemoration in Dave's hometown or Cumbria at least.

"I think that was forefront in our minds. Lili understood that people would really require that - they held Dave in such affection.

"It'll be quite an event if all takes shape."

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He said the Dock Museum or Hawcoat Park could be possible venues for the event.

It would see biker groups travel to Barrow from all over the country, including from London, to pay their respects to Dave.

Dave's fellow Hairy Biker Si King could also attend the memorial.

Mr Twyford said he had been in discussion with a Barrow vicar about conducting a memorial service.

The Hairy Biker, who died at the end of last month following a cancer diagnosis, was laid to rest at a funeral service earlier this week.

Mr Twyford described the event as 'very moving and very funny'.

"Liii gave a really lovely address remembering Dave," he said. "It had joy as well as sadness - it was very well done. 

"It was a tremendously fun sort of service as well as solemn."

Mr Twyford became friends with Dave at Barrow Grammar School, where the share a love of art.

They later attended art college in London and shared a flat in Peckham.

Mr Twyford recalled how his Dave and their mutual friend Peter Thompson would buy produce from Barrow Market and cook up 'experimental' meals after visits to the pub.

The Hairy Biker's death was met with an outpouring of emotion in Barrow, with well-wishers paying tribute in a book of condolence stationed at the Forum theatre.