A DRINK-DRIVER who was caught by police after pulling on to a public road had ‘only just' committed the offence, his defence solicitor said.

Officers were driving towards Whitehaven on the B5306 at Howgate in the early hours of March 3. They saw a vehicle pulling up at a junction which had steamed windows, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Jacqui Partington, prosecuting, said police turned their vehicle round and stopped in front of the car. They spoke to the driver, Scott Keenan, 20, and suspected he was under the influence of alcohol.

Keenan gave a positive breath test and was arrested. In custody he provided a sample of 58mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit to drive is 35mcg.

The defendant’s wallet was searched in custody and two sealed bags containing white powder were located in the wallet.

Keenan, of Ullgill Farm, Howgate, Whitehaven, pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle with alcohol level above the limit and possessing a Class A drug – cocaine.

John Cooper, defending, said: “He had an argument with mum and dad. Had driven down the farm track and stopped. It’s part of a highway. He has committed the offence but only just.

“There are no previous convictions. Full cooperation.

“He’s employed as a mechanic. His employer is aware of his appearance today. I think there’s a strong likelihood he might lose his employment today.”

Keenan was banned from driving for 14 months, to be reduced by 14 weeks, if he completes the drink-drivers’ rehabilitation course.

He was fined £1,000 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £400 victim surcharge.

An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs.