Works on Devonshire Street and Botchergate are amongst the two most prominent cases of roadworks in Carlisle right now, as the council looks to level up the city centre. 

The regeneration project on Devonshire Street and English Street began Monday, February 5 for 20 weeks, and it aims to create a 'high quality, welcoming environment', with more spaces for people to walk and spend time sitting outdoors.

Resurfacing work is expected to be completed on Botchergate this evening (March 5), having begun on February 22, with the aim of enhancing the road's durability and quality, while renewing line markings and replacing ironwork for smoother future maintenance.

However, there are several other cases of roadworks ongoing, or planned for the future, in Carlisle right now. 

Northern Gas Networks are currently undergoing utility repair and maintenance works on Dalston Road, with the aim of completing those works by March 12. 

The demolition of the public baths is likely to see on Water Street and James Street impacted until at least June of this year, having begun in late November 2023. 

Adelaide Street in Carlisle is also expected to be closed until June due to work from the Environmental Agency, as part of a project which aims to greatly reduce the risk of flooding for local residents and their homes.

Highway improvement works at Newby Cross Village will see a lane closed until April, with delays likely. 

Regeneration works on English Street in Carlisle is one of the biggest projects planned for 2024. 

A lane will be closed from April 1st until August 31 for what Cumberland Council describe as a "narrowing of the carriageway, widening Of the footways, general civil and re-alignment of the kerb lines. Uplifting of the area with new material specification in keeping with historic area."

Botchergate will also have more works completed and a lane closure imposed between May and July as part of an the previously described 'uplifting of the area' project. 

Other planned roadworks in the coming months include Spencer Street, Wilfred Street,  Warwick Road and Lismore Place, with full details available on the council website.