LAND at the back of a residential property in Carlisle could be changed into an area where a container would be placed for selling refreshments.

The site is next to Brunton Park football ground, the home of Carlisle United, and if permission is granted its use would be as a food and drink outlet.

The area covers a total area of 546 square metres and it is located within the existing football ground.

According to a planning statement the proposed development is to utilise the rear yard for retail use during match days.

The report states: "The ground is within walking distance of Carlisle train and bus stations. It is 1.4 miles away from Junction 43 on the M6. Parking will remain as existing."

It follows a separate application for the construction of a new turnstile block and conversion of the existing space behind terracing to provide new toilet facilities at Brunton Park.

According to a flood risk assessment the nearest main river to the site is the River Petteril, located approximately 175m north of the site, which flows in a westerly direction towards the confluence with the river Eden approximately 700m north west of the site.

The report states: "The site is located within the floodplain of the River Eden and its associated tributaries.

"Approximately 0.35km east of the Site is the Durranhill Storage Basin, which provides flood storage for the flows draining down Duranhill Beck.

"The basin is enclosed by earth embankments on all sides and under normal conditions the flows drain through the northern embankment discharging into Old Eden.

"When the outfall is flood locked downstream, then a pumped system comes into operation with the flood waters being pumped up and direct into Old Eden. The pumps were replaced and upgraded as part of the 2007 Carlisle Flood Alleviation works."

The Carlisle Flood Investigation Report 2016 confirmed there are historic records of "fluvial flooding" at the Site in 2005 and 2015.

The planning report states: "Brunton Park is within an area benefitting from defences (as defined by the Environment Agency) which have a standard of protection greater than a one per cent AEP plus climate change event."

The application is currently being considered by planning officers at Cumberland Council.