A SHOPLIFTER who stole vodka and cosmetics from a supermarket had fallen back into criminality after becoming addicted to painkillers.

Peter Gibbon, 37, went to Tesco in Workington on two occasions and stole more than £70-worth of goods.

Outlining the case at Workington Magistrates’ Court, prosecutor Pamela Fee said the defendant first entered the store on the evening of January 17.

He placed items including alcohol and cosmetics into his pockets and left, making no attempt to pay.

On January 28 he returned to the store, took a bottle of vodka worth £41 and left, again making no attempt to pay.

Gibbon, of Newlands Lane South, Workington, pleaded guilty to two charges of theft from a shop.

Mike Woolaghan, defending, said: “The offending is unsophisticated, low value shop thefts.

“There’s been a resurrection of criminality in the latter part of 2023, having spent four or five years offence-free. That was the product of him taking up employment.”

Mr Woolaghan said the defendant had become addicted to painkillers and had fallen into drug misuse.

He told the court: “He continues to work with Unity. He has not committed further crimes. It seems he is doing everything required of him in what appears to be a blip driven by that addiction to painkillers.”

Gibbon was fined £160 and was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £32 victim surcharge. He must also pay £76.50 in compensation to Tesco.