A NIGHT out in Carlisle city centre ended badly for a young woman when she drunkenly lashed out at police officers who arrested her partner.

The defence lawyer representing 31-year-old Shelly Lewis said she reacted to what had been a "confusing situation" which had led to her partner being wrongly arrested, even though he had done nothing wrong.

Lewis admitted two police assaults and being drunk and disorderly. Prosecutor George Shelley told Carlisle’s Rickergate court what happened.

He said the incident which led to the court hearing happened shortly before 1am on February 11 in Botchergate as police officers who were at the scene were speaking to the defendant.

Clearly intoxicated, Lewis became hostile towards the officers, who were investigating an alleged assault.

“She attempted to strike one of the officers,” said Mr Shelley. As a result of this, the police officers forced Lewis to the ground and handcuffed her.

It was as she was helped to her feet that the defendant kicked out, contacting their legs.

She caused no injury. When interviewed later, she told the police she had no recollection of what had happened because she was so intoxicated.

Duncan Campbell, defending, told magistrates: “This was out of character, and she offers her apology.”

Mr Campbell said the defendant was a hard working woman, who travelled the country to do her £750 per week job installing air conditioning systems.

“She does a lot of travelling and was extremely tired,” said Mr Campbell. “She had gone out with her partner and had a few drinks and – perhaps because she was exhausted – the drinks had a greater effect.

Somebody, not this lady, had called the police because they thought their partner had assaulted them.

“But the police arrived and arrested [the defendant’s] partner. She said her partner had done nothing at all and this upset Miss Lewis and caused a reaction from her.

“She had no intention to cause harm.”

After considering the case, magistrates fined Lewis, of Trewddfa Road, Swansea, £1,250 with a £500 surcharge. She must also pay costs of £85. Her total debt to the court is £1,835.