AN inquest will be held next week into the death of a ‘valued and respected member’ of Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team.

Christopher Brian Lewis suffered a life-changing accident in February 2021 after falling 150m while responding to a call from wild campers, who were breaking coronavirus lockdown restrictions, at Red Screes above Kirkstone Pass.

Mr Lewis, from Ambleside, underwent lengthy hospital treatment but was tragically never able to walk again.

He was admitted to Furness General Hospital on September 2 last year but died two days later at the age of 62.

Mike Rippon, the leader of Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team said: “Chris was an experienced fell-walker and mountaineer who quickly became a valued and respected member of the Team.

“He took a full part in training activities and callouts to incidents and was well-liked by all who had the pleasure of working with him.

“His contribution to Mountain Rescue was in its early days and he undoubtedly had much more to offer. It is tragic that he was taken from us and his family so soon.

“I feel privileged to have known Chris and to have served alongside him as a trustee, and immensely saddened to have lost him in this tragic way.”

An inquest will be held into his death at Cockermouth Coroners’ Court on February 29 at 11am.